5 Habits to Increase Work Productivity!

One of the biggest challenges for today’s professional is to be productive, that is, to use their time well, to be effective in their actions, and to achieve the best results with lowest energy. In a survey that my Brazilian Portal GestaoIndustrial.com did in 2015, about waste of time at work, respondents pointed out that 61.5% of this waste is linked to unproductive meetings and excess email. The key word when it comes to productivity is “habit,” of course, good habits. And the habit comes from discipline, determination, and awareness. Continue reading “5 Habits to Increase Work Productivity!”

How to Lead Meetings Effectively?

How to Lead Meetings Effectively?

Certainly, in a management role, you will have to be faced with the task of leading meetings. Although they are important and fundamental in various situations of corporate life, when poorly led, meetings can become destroyers of productivity and wasters of time.

When people ask me if I recommend doing meetings stand up to be shorter and to the point, I ask: Do you have lunch standing up?  Continue reading “How to Lead Meetings Effectively?”